Packaging - Ferm Living

We are deeply committed to environmental and social responsibility in all aspects of our business and work with certifications and testing to ensure safe and fair working conditions in our supply chain and the responsible production of high-quality products.

To that end, we have created an internal framework entitled ‘Responsible suppliers’. As engaged members of Amfori, we en­sure our key suppliers undergo BSCI audits. To be classified a responsible supplier, ours must adhere to initiatives and certi­fications like BSCI, SA 8000, FSC™ and GOTS, reflecting their dedication to aligning with our mission of promoting responsi­ble practices and ensuring stringent criteria for human rights and fair working conditions are met. We aim for 60% of our suppliers to be classified as such by the end of 2024, building on our 54% achievement in 2023.

Our products undergo risk assessment and rigorous testing in accredited laboratories, and we comply with applicable national and international regulations and standards such as REACH for environmental and health requirements.

Packaging - Ferm Living

The RESPONSIBLE tag denotes that a product is either FSC™-, GOTS- or OSC 100-/Organic blend­ed-certified or produced in a recycled material, such as recycled glass, recycled aluminium, recycled cotton, recycled paper pulp, recycled ceramic or PET yarns spun from post-con­sumer plastic. Materials such as brown cotton, nettle and cotton mâché are included due to their lower environmental footprint compared to more conventional counterparts. We are consist­ently working on integrating more responsible materials and methods into our future designs.

Our current initiatives and certifications:

Packaging - Ferm Living

GOTS – The Global Organic Textile Standard. Recognised as the world’s leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental and social criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain.

Packaging - Ferm Living

OCS – The Organic Content Standard. Products certified to the Organic Content Standard (OCS) Contain organically grown content/material that has been independantly verified at each stage of the supply chain, from source to final product.

Packaging - Ferm Living

FSC™ – The Forest Stewardship Council™ An international, non-profit certification scheme for wood and paper. In FSC forestry, animals and plantlife are protected and no more wood is felled than the forrest can reproduce, either through natural regeneration or replanting. At the same time, the FSC ensures that workers’ rights throughout the certified supply chain are respected.

Look for our FSC™ Certified products on our website.

Packaging - Ferm Living

NORDIC SWAN ECOLABEL. – A Nordic Swan Ecolabel candle is a candle meeting specific criteria for environmental performance as well as health aspects, quality and safety.

Packaging - Ferm Living

BSCI - Business Social Compliance Initiative. An industry-driven initiative by Amfori, which aims to monitor and assess workplace standards across global supply chains. An Amfori BSCI audit helps us to ensure that suppliers treat their workers legally and ethically..

Packaging - Ferm Living

UN Global Compact

We are engaged participants in the UN Global Compact and our Code of Conduct aligns with their Ten Principles. This code estab­lishes the ethical framework for our business and is endorsed by all our partners and suppliers. Its principles aim to safeguard the health and safety of workers during production, fostering an ethical and equitable partnership for all stakehold­ers.
Our Code of Conduct is available at here.

From end 2024, Ferm Living expects to add the following certification:
GRS, the Global Recycling Standard. Promoting the use of re­cycled materials, the GRS certification signifies the inclusion of recycled materials, with each stage of the supply chain inde­pendently verified – from the initial recycling phase to the final product. Certified organisations are required to adhere to social, environmental and chemical standards throughout.